It's the holiday season and technology gifts along with home improvements are more popular than ever, especially with all that 2020 has brought our way. Many of us are spending more time than ever now at home and we want to make sure that the technology in our house is there to enhance our families' lives.
Here are five ways that home automation and security can help get you through the holidays and beyond.
1) Make Your Home Cozy

When the sun sets early, it's welcoming and reassuring to come home to a well-lit house. It feels safer too. Smart lighting ensures a bright welcome without the energy waste of leaving your home lit up during the day. With a smart lighting system installed by our knowledgeable technicians at Smart Space just have your app turn your lights on at a given time, at sunset, or whenever you're on your way home. You can even automate your holiday lights.
2) Keep Your Holiday Deliveries Safe
Many of us are resorting to online shopping even more this holiday season. Packages left on doorsteps can be very tempting to porch pirates who take this opportunity to snag unmonitored delivery packages for themselves.

With a video doorbell installed and setup by Smart Space you'll know exactly when your packages arrive, even if you're not home. With 2-way audio video see a live feed of the delivery person, say hello, and ask them to leave the package in a specific place.
For extra protection, you can even use your smart lock to unlock your front door and turn off the security system so that they can leave the package inside your house. Once the package is safely inside, use your smart home app to lock up again.
3) Keep Gifts Safe From Little Detectives

The holidays can be a very tricky time for parents trying to keep surprises hidden and undetected by little ones before Christmas Morning. Smart Space can help you there as well. A well placed contact sensor on the door to any closet or room where the gifts are hidden can give you a leg-up on any little prowlers. A timely alert can give you the time needed to catch them and save the surprise for the big day.
4) Stay Safer with Security Cameras for the Holidays
Many homeowners worry that their home is more attractive to criminals during the holidays. There are plenty of ways to deter those criminals though. One of the most visible and useful is security cameras, which send a clear message to potential intruders that you've taken action to protect yourself.

Smart Space's smart home security cameras go a step further with video analytics, in intelligent feature that classifies moving objects as people, animals, or vehicles and lets you know who's there. It can even trigger your home's smart lights to turn on, surprising a potential intruder (two-legged or four-legged.)
5) Keep Your Home Warm . . . Not the Neighborhood

With the kids out of school and seasonal activities having your whole family coming and going, it's easy to invite the cold air inside by leaving doors ajar. Smart Space's connected sensors have your back. Any door with a sensor can generate a smartphone alert when left open, enabling you to quickly fix any drafts. You can even set your smart thermostat to dial back automatically to reduce energy waste caused by open doors.
To get started contact an account representative at Smart Space today.